Calendar of Events for Bethlehem, Lehigh Valley PA and Surrounding Communities

Events Calendar

You can focus or expand your events search on our Events Calendar page.

Please note: events are entered by the individual event-holders. Please check the event websites or contacts to be sure the event has not been delayed by weather or canceled.

You can find many more events at /events/index.cfm


Please note: events are entered by the individual event-holders. Please check the event websites or contacts to be sure the event has not been delayed by weather or canceled.

Date: 11/30/24 Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm
Sponsored by: Vereinigung Erzgebirge
CONTACT: 215-675-5380   |    EMAIL
Come visit our Christmas indoor/outdoor market with many small local business vendors for holiday shopping, food, drinks, our famous German Gluhwein, accordion players, and carols being sung by the fire pit.

You can focus or expand your events search on our Events Calendar page.